online games

In this fast-paced world, you cannot ignore the importance of the internet in our everyday lives. The gradual upgradation in internet speeds in India as a consequence of a 2G network taken over by 3G, 4G and lately 5G respectively, has changed the world in the past few years like never before.

The packages and speeds of data provided by the network providers and that too at cheap rates, have ensured that people are now getting more and more glued to their mobiles, laptops, computers, notebooks, etc., It has absolutely revolutionized networking in India and the younger generation has benefited the most from it. The resources of research available for the younger generation have increased manifold and now students can have access to each and every piece of information that they require for their studies.

The younger generation getting addicted to online games

However, this has also ensured that the younger generation has fallen prey to the apps and games that, ironically, have sneaked quietly into our mobiles, voluntarily or involuntarily. Nowadays, kids and teenagers too have the privilege of having a mobile phone at their disposal. They are particularly interested in the game apps and playing online games has almost become a religion. The amount of chaos that these online games have created in the lives of the younger generation in general and students, in particular, is immense.

Recently, a boy from Alwar, Rajasthan (India), has fallen prey to the menace of online games, which has completely changed his life for the worse. The child lost his mental balance after playing online games like PubG and Free Fire, which he reportedly lost. The boy had developed a deep addiction to these games and suffered severe tremors after consequently losing some games on this app. The boy had to be sent to a special school, where they had to format a special schedule of sports activities for him. It was made sure that this boy was allowed to win every game to overcome his fear of loss and get his confidence back.

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Examples like these are so common these days, where the kids are getting addicted to these games and end up losing their mental balance. These online games are responsible for even costing the kids their lives (from suicides) since they can’t come to terms with the fact that they have lost the game. This is a very serious issue and a direct consequence of the advancement of technology entering our homes and further into every mobile of our family. As a consequence, these gaming apps force their entry into the mobiles of our children without parents even noticing the impact they can have on us.

What actually is online games addiction?

These online games or video gaming addictions (also known as gaming disorders) force the mind of the child to focus only on the virtual world, while just cutting off the kid from the outside world. Once glued to their mobiles, they just spend hours on video games that are overwhelmingly engrossing and stressful for the mind.

When prolonged, this habit starts to affect the mind and thus it becomes an addiction. Nearly 3–4% of people all over the world are said to be affected by this addiction to online games, which has an impact on their personal, social, educational and professional lives.

Some researchers put online games addiction in the same class as gambling addiction since the end results of both are almost the same. In gambling addiction, the person loses rationality and is unable to understand the implications of his actions on his personal and social life.

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Gambling addiction
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Gaming addiction

Likewise, during addiction to online games, the person seems to lose control over himself and is forced to remain attached to his device and continue with it in order to win at any cost.

In both situations, the person seems to be lured to the end result, which is winning. However, it happens that even after winning, the person is not satisfied, but the mind directs him to start it again and continue from there.

Comparatively, in gambling, there are financial stakes involved, while in the case of online games, it is a matter of reaching a virtual sense of achievement. Also, gambling depends on the laws of probability and chance, but playing online games requires a person’s skills and alertness to achieve the end result of winning. Therefore, this analogy somehow seems to be flawed.  

Signs and symptoms of online games addiction

Video gaming or online games addiction does not happen overnight, but it takes time for the subject specialists to actually declare it an addiction. The major symptoms of addiction happen over a period of time.

If people are seen being persistent with this addiction and the associated behavioural changes for over a year, then it can safely be concluded that the person is actually suffering from an online games addiction. Some of the symptoms of this disorder can be summarized below:

Prioritizing playing online games over other important chores

Every task takes a backseat and the most important task seems to be re-starting the game. It is a situation when every other important job in hand seems boring and all that matters most is the video game, which needs to be played with more aggression or sharpness so that the previous loss is compensated with a win.

Not socializing like they used to do earlier

A normal person who used to interact with friends and relatives does not seem to be interested in meeting them anymore as the time spent on them is diverted to playing video games only.

Not smiling and laughing normally

The burden of the consequences of losing in video games weighs heavily on the person. The frequent smiles and laughter in the normal hilarious situations seem to be gone and the person seems to have developed a serious personality.

No interest in studies anymore

A normal person or child who used to take a keen interest in his studies is finding ways and means to avoid the studies and wants to hit the mobile play button at the earliest to satiate his urge to play the video game.

Prefers to remain indoors instead of playing outside

The main reason for staying indoors is obviously to play the online games that the apps are offering. The charm of playing outside with friends is no longer a priority for the child.

Not being able to cut down on the playing time

When asked to use the time spent playing games on some other creative activity, the child finds it difficult to adhere to, and the advice of the parents or the guardians doesn’t affect him.

Losing interest in other important activities

The person addicted to video gaming will gradually lose interest in other chores or activities like gardening, cycling, playing football, etc., as the time spent on gaming doesn’t allow him to focus anywhere else.

Only playing video games seems to provide relief

The addicted child will feel out of place and restless all the time. The only thing that provides temporary relief to him and increases his concentration is playing video games only.

Continuous complaints from the school

By not being able to concentrate on studies and other extracurricular activities, the child will obviously perform badly in these fields. Therefore, getting complaints from the school about the performance of their kid, the parents are under pressure too.

Increase in anger and anxiety in the child

In normal discussions, the parents observe the anger and frustration of the child increasing day by day.  This affects the normal life of the kid and his mental state.

The traits of personal hygiene and being up-to-date seem gone

The kid who used to be up-to-date in order to compete with his counterparts in school and elsewhere is no longer interested in personal hygiene, as his quality time is eaten away by playing online games.

Seems to be lost and out of place

An addicted child will always seem to be lost in thoughts as he is thinking about the losses he suffered while playing and how to win the next one to regain his confidence, although it is just his state of mind.

Anxiety attack or increase in aggression when asked to stop

When the game-addicted child is asked by the parents to stop playing for his own benefit only, the child does not listen. On being forced to stop, anger, anxiety and even shouting become the regular behaviour of the child.

Loss of appetite and sleeplessness take charge

The child does not take food and is deprived of sleep due to playing for long hours. The loss of appetite is generally seen and the frequent emotional outbursts are observed by the parents. The impact of losing in video games has a bad effect on the normal mental condition of the child, who takes it to heart while again trying to win the next one.

Reasons behind video game addiction

Normally, if we notice that the child or the person who is desperate to play video games all the time, irrespective of its consequences on his overall life, we believe that he is addicted. This is the normal definition and a common-sense answer in the language of a common man. But it is that simple to understand the impact of online games on a child, student or even a grown man or woman, whatever the case may be.

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Video Gaming Addiction

There are many hidden aspects to this theory that ultimately culminate in turning a sane person into an addictive freak. To understand the basic reason for this video gaming addiction, we need to know some harsh realities regarding these online games which are purposedly designed by the gaming companies, which we shall discuss later. Understanding these realities will help us better understand the basic reasons for passion turning into addiction.

Effects of playing excessive online games on the brain and body

Like any other activity, playing online games too, has an impact on our brain. The brain is the manufacturing factory in our body which produces different chemicals in response to the situations that happen outside or inside our body. In a way, these chemicals are a byproduct of the happenings or events, which may happen inside or outside our body. In relation to addiction to playing online games, we will discuss here some of the chemicals that are released by our brain and other body parts, respectively.


Let us first understand how the brain functions, to provide us with a balanced happy life. Whenever we involve ourselves in any activity, be it sports, watching movies, gardening, painting, listening to music, playing online games, etc., a chemical known as “dopamine” is released in the brain. It is the sort of chemical that is responsible for making us ‘feel good’ from the inside after we participate in it happily.

Remember the sort of feeling generated in you whenever some good incident of the past comes into your mind when you were being appreciated or rewarded? It really makes you feel very happy and nostalgic. It is the release of this “dopamine” that makes you happy since the brain releases it after that happy thought comes to your mind.

Healthy Tip: In order to feel happy and ecstatic from the inside, you can quite frequently think of such incidents in your life that made that day a special one. It will trigger dopamine in the brain and make you feel charged up and good from the inside for sure.

can say that it is a sort of reward that the brain provides to us, which makes us feel pleasurable and happy from the inside. This ‘dopamine’ is released only after we indulge in any activity which is not normal, but an occasional one. This once-a-while activity or hobby satisfies us from the inside and we tend to feel that we have achieved something good. This feeling comes from the release of the chemical “dopamine”, which the brain produces in order to make us happy.

Now whenever our brain expects any reward out of any activity that we voluntarily indulge in, it starts to produce dopamine. The more we play or do that activity by choice, the more happy and satisfied we are and the more dopamine is produced.

In the case of playing online games, the release of dopamine by the brain takes place, just as with any other sport or hobby. The dopamine levels are released in small doses in the brain continuously, as long as we maintain the balance between playing all the other activities and not a particular one. This is a balanced condition and is most suitable for people or children to feel motivated and charged up all the time. This state can boost confidence levels and the person feels alert and energetic from inside.

6 Dopamine Pathway
Dopamine plays an important role in feeling good

However, indulgence in the overlong and frequent sessions of online games activity (may be due to passion or just for fun), results in the brain releasing large amounts of dopamine levels. In order to balance it out, the brain voluntarily shuts down its ability to produce large doses of dopamine for some time.

This actually raises the level of normally accepted dopamine tolerance levels in the body which is no more instrumental in bringing happiness and satisfaction to the child. This means that the required bar of dopamine level produced by the brain is now raised. In other words, the person needs a higher level of “dopamine” to experience the same happiness, that he used to get earlier, during the time span of his playing online games, and by the resulting dopamine level released by the brain.

Now expectedly, after the dopamine doses are shut down by the brain, the child or the person no longer feels the same excitement, that used to be there. In order to get the same thrill, the online games player starts to play more and more.

But, since the brain already has reached the threshold, it no longer produces dopamine and as a result, the child feels unsatisfied, restless and depressed. The brain has actually developed insensitivity towards releasing dopamine which used to get triggered by playing online games by the child.

Now, to reach the same happiness level, the indulgence of playing more and more games seems to be the only solution. The cycle continues and if the child does not break away from this, it results in dopamine deficiency in the brain. The consequences are

  • Depressed mind
  • Shaken confidence
  • Trembling hands
  • Lost in thoughts
  • Loss in appetite
  • Indigestion problems
  • Restlessness in the hands and legs
  • Parkinson’s disease, etc.


There are small, triangular glands located on top of the kidneys of a person. These are known as Adrenal or Suprarenal glands which produce different hormones that help to regulate our body’s metabolism, blood pressure, immune system, blood sugar, salt and water balance, etc. These Adrenal glands are composed of two parts, which are The “adrenal medulla” and the “adrenal cortex”.

The Adrenal Medulla

It is the innermost part of the adrenal gland and its main function is to produce the hormones “epinephrine” (or Adrenaline) and “norepinephrine” (or noradrenaline). These hormones are released when the body is under stress.

As most of us may have experienced, in case of a sudden and unexpected incident of danger or when we get scared, we get a panic feeling or anxiety. We either decide to run away from that place or our mind tells us to be there and fight. This is what is known as “fight or flight” syndrome and is triggered by the adrenaline hormones from our adrenal glands.

6 Dopamine Pathway
Adrenaline is responsible for the fight or flight syndrome

Online games that are intense and fully action-packed, are instrumental in triggering this adrenaline hormone in the person playing these games. This is because, at the time of playing these intense thrilling and fast-paced online games game, the mind is fully immersed and involved in the game.

To respond quickly to the perceived danger that these action sequences or the intense moments create, the body naturally reacts, by releasing the ‘adrenaline’ hormone as it would do normally in case of any real danger. The body assumes the danger is real, like a life-and-death question in the case of some extremely violent games. The excess release of adrenaline into the bloodstream results in bad effects on the body such as:

  • The heart pumps the blood harder increasing our blood pressure which can cause stroke.
  • The heart rate starts to increase and thus increases the chance of a heart attack.
  • The breathing of the person increases considerably and increases the anxiety in the person.
  • Nervousness and inability to sleep are the result of extreme release of adrenalin.
  • The body feels the decreased ability to feel the pain or becomes insensitive for some time.


It is the chemical released by the cortex and is the body’s natural alarm mechanism. As already discussed above, these are the triangular-shaped glands located at the top of both the kidneys of a person.

The Adrenal Cortex

The adrenal cortex forms the outmost part of the adrenal gland and its main function is to produce the hormones aldosterone, cortisol and androgens hormones in a balanced amount. These hormones are released to relieve the body of inflammation and help in the better utilization of body fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Also, it helps in balancing the blood sugar and blood pressure levels besides controlling the wake-sleep cycle of the human being.

Cortisol is released when the body needs an energy boost to manage the perceived emergency situation when the person is under stress. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone and prepares the body for a dangerous situation. When the child is playing online games quite excessively, due to the continuous stress, there are consequences for the body. The balance of the stress management system of the body, which is known as the HPA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal) axis is disturbed.

HPA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal) is the stress management system of the body

HPA is the main response system of the body and constitutes a link between perceived stress and physiological reactions to this stress. The hypothalamus which responds to the stress signals from the brain, gets the pituitary gland activated which in turn signals the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. Now, the chronology happens this way:

  • The hypothalamus produces CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone)
  • CRH in turn stimulates and initiates the pituitary gland to secrete ACTH (adrenocorticotropin hormone)
  • ACTH hormone further stimulates the adrenal glands to release the Cortisol hormones in the blood.

In a normal situation, the pituitary and the hypothalamus glands combine to control and make sure that the blood has the right balance of cortisol circulating in the body. However, too little or too much cortisol in the body due to extreme stress forces them to change the amounts of CRH and ACTH, which is known as a negative loop.

Now the excess amount of cortisol levels released due to the high-stress factor in the child, due to playing intense stressful games has an intense effect on the body. The body has a negative impact such as:

  • The body develops a weakened immune system, which results in other diseases taking over.
  • The child getting heart disease becomes a possibility due to high levels of blood pressure.  
  • The body can develop “Cushing syndrome”, which can cause blood clots, depression, mood changes, type-2 diabetes, weight gain, etc.
  • Under high levels of cortisol due to extreme stress, the body may develop digestive problems or irritable bowel syndrome.


Serotonin is a sort of neurotransmitter that acts as a hormone and carries messages from the nerve cells in the brain and to other parts of the body. These chemical messages act as guidelines and tell the body how to function. This hormone is found in many parts of the body like the digestive system, blood platelets and all over the nervous system.

Serotonin helps the body in many ways like retention of memory, learning, happiness, sleeping, hunger factor and regulating the body’s temperature. It also relieves the body of anxiety, heals wounds, impacts emotions and controls the motor skills of the body.

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Serotonin acts as the neurotransmitter carrying messages from the brain to other parts of the body

About 90% of the Serotonin is found in the intestines and 10% in the brain. That is the reason it is responsible for the regular bowel movements of the body. It is released in the blood circulation and thereafter absorbed by the platelets. When the body needs to repair any sort of damage happening to it, the platelets release serotonin and thus help to heal the wounds by stopping bleeding. Serotonin can’t be made in the body and has to be obtained from foods only.

When the child is addicted to extreme online video gaming, the stress factor is constantly active and growing. This results in the brain’s transmitter Serotonin, stopping functioning correctly. The body bears the consequences of the same such as:

  • The body experiences depression, anxiety and mood swings.
  • The child can develop tremors, extreme sweating and nausea due to extreme Serotonin.
  • Vomiting, restlessness and headache may be experienced by the child.
  • The health suffers due to digestive problems and irregular bowel movements.
  • Sleep disorders or Schizophrenia may be experienced by the child.

How do the game developers and the gaming industry work?

Now, after explaining the impact of extreme gaming on young minds, we will understand how the gaming industry works. It is not just as simple as developing a game and presenting it in the open market. There goes a lot of research and thought process before creating such games and the industry spends a lot on the R&D of the same.

Game developer companies employ the best psychologists and behavioural scientists to devise games as such. Basically, the games are deliberately designed in such a manner that they hook the player to play them with intense attention.

The games are designed, so that they offer a challenge to the player who takes it to heart and starts to play for a win only to prove a point. The plot is to make them play at all costs so that they remain glued to their computer or mobile screens.

Gaming companies employ smart tactics to lure kids

Previously, when the gaming industry was just evolving, they used to create games with the intention that the players would buy them and after getting a good experience, they would go for the sequel of the same, whenever it was released in the open market. The intention was to sell the complete game and that was it. The player was also not so much addicted to it and the online games addiction was not heard of so much.

But, with the passage of time, the gaming industry grew smarter and by employing highly skilled Psychologists and computer scientists, the game of the gaming industry itself, grew even bigger. Now the emphasis was not on selling the game and the sequels, but a new tactic was developed. The plot was to engage the player to such an extent that he played online games continuously with full attention and without breaks.

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Behavioural and computer scientists use the data and their acquired knowledge within their respective fields, in helping game developers from gaming companies to design customized games with high-intensity involvement. The stages of the online games are designed, so as to lure the player to continue to reach the next level to get more offers and rewards. This keeps the child glued to the screen for long hours without realizing how time is passing and about other pending assignments.

For example, in a game named Farmville, the crops will get dried up if they are not harvested on time. It means if the player doesn’t play, he is at a t disadvantage. Mostly, the player is a young child or a teenager, who even takes this seriously, obviously as he is still growing and not fully mature. The rules of the game are that if the player has sown any crop, it takes only some hours to ripen. And consequently, if the player doesn’t log back into the game, the crops will die.

How to treat the online games addiction

Some of the simple ways to treat online games addiction can be employed by parents such as

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

This therapy is actually a psychotherapeutic treatment through which the addicted person is made to focus on the current goals instead of getting involved in online games. This therapy emphasizes stimulus control, self-monitoring, learning adaption techniques and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Emphasize on Exercising

Make sure to make the child addicted to online games to exercise early in the morning so that any negative impacts of continuous sitting for long games are done away with. This will make his brain heal faster and will encourage him to focus on other sports too.

Use apps that monitor the time

Parents should use apps that are meant to control the length of time the child can use the device for playing. This is very important as adhering to this schedule will ensure that the child does not get enough time to remain attached to the game, even if he wants to. This will recreate his interest in other outdoor or indoor sports activities.

Plan regular outings

This will ensure that the child gets to spend time with the entire family and encourages him to participate in discussions, sports and intermixing with other children or elders. Any long outing such as picnics, family weddings or weekend tours to hill stations will absolutely refresh his mind and break the cyclic pattern of gaming.

Watch out for any devices in the night

Ensure that the child does get any access to the playing device at night as he will definitely try to have a go at it when there is no one to watch him. Try to keep the gadgetry out of the bedrooms and put it in the open so as to discourage him from using it in the night.

Involve yourself in the game purchases

Make sure that you remain in the loop while any online games are being bought by your child. Read the instructions and the rating so as to ensure that the child gets to play online games that are suitable to his age only and not complex ones that require high involvement of brain and the time.

Encourage the child to develop other hobbies

Let the child develop other hobbies like gardening, painting, football, cricket or badminton, etc., so as to remain healthy and happy.

Abstain the addicted child from playing online games temporarily

Try to force the child to abstain from playing online games for at least a month. This will ensure that the dopamine (happy hormone) levels are recreated and the balance ensured which was lost due to extreme gaming.

Some of the frequently asked questions regarding online games addiction

When gaming is a problem?

When gaming disturbs the personal life of a person and has an impact on one’s own healthy life like sleeplessness, tiredness, depression, sadness and nervousness, it is a problem.

What are the mental effects of online games?

The mental effects on an online games-addicted child are that he feels stressed, experiences mood changes, dislike the outdoor activity, feels nervous, gets cut off from the outside surroundings and not feel like laughing and feels sad all the time,

How do I stop my son from gaming?

Just keep a watch on his playing hours, place the computer in the main room, use apps that control the gadget’s playing hours, encourage family outings, push him for outdoor activities and offer rewards on outdoor sports.

Is online gaming helpful or harmful?

It may be helpful if done in a limited manner and may help to get the brain sharper. But continuous playing will encourage you to play more which can lower the happiness hormone dopamine. Playing more than required will mean addiction which can affect health badly.

Should I quit video games?

Depends upon the state that you are in while playing games. If you feel refreshed after a good session and are able to concentrate on other activities as well, you can definitely continue. But, if it starts to badly affect the personal life, better to cut down the playing time

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